Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 9 (Video)


Still need some more. Starting this Sunday, I'm going to bed at 9 or 10 no matter what. I'm not going to feel super healthy if I don't get enough sleep even if I'm on the healthiest diet on the planet.

Wake up feeling?

My body felt good. Stomach felt fine. Head felt sleepy, but brain was up and running within minutes.

Weight loss:

Today's weight: 160.4
Starting weight: 166.8

Total weigh loss:  6.4 lbs


  1. 2 pink grapefruit
  2. 1 orange
I'm starting to dig pink grapefruits and oranges in the morning. 

Morning Snack
  1. 2 Mango


  1. 5 Bananas
I didn't let these bananas become as brown as I usually and I discovered they taste so much better than when I let them brown more. 


  1. 1 lb tangerines
  2. 1 pink grapefruit
  3. Salad: 3oz Mixed greens, 4oz Romaine lettuce, 2 oz Spinach, 8 oz cucumber, 4oz grape tomatoes, lime juice.

I'm REALLY starting to like my daily salad. Specially with a lot of lime juice!


P90X Day 5. Check out today's workout video review here P90X Day 5


About 16 oz of distilled water today.

Any Detox Effects?

YES. Today I had my first "Detox Experience." It's kind of nasty but it's reality. During my second bowel movement of the day, I notice I was getting rid of more "material" than usual, to the point where my stomach was contracting, and near the end I felt like a tugging inside my intestines on the lower right hand side of my abdomen. The feeling was like something getting "unstuck" in my intestines and the "material" that was coming out was pulling it. It didn't hurt, but it was a little uncomfortable. After it was all done, my body felt "lighter", my stomach felt "smaller", but it also felt sort of sensitive. I felt like laying down and resting. I was planning on exercising after using the restroom, but I decided to wait until after dinner.

Bowel Movements:

Today I had two movements. Same as yesterday. I guess I'm stuck with two movements for now. It's probably because I've been eating lots of juices from oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, pineapple, and not enough solids.

Overall feeling for today?

Besides my "Detox Experience," today I felt great.

Daily Summary:

Calories: 1,598
Fat (g): 6
Carb (g): 406
Protein (g): 26
Sodium (mg): 126
Fiber (g): 54
Sugar (g): 286

Calories: Carbs 91%/ Protein 6%/ Fat 3%

Today's Video

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