Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 6 (Video)


I had lots of gas throughout the night. Probably because of the cabbage from yesterday's dinner. Good thing my gas doesn't stink. lol Seriously! Compared to my gas when I ate cooked food, my gas now has no foul smell at all or at least I can't pick it up. One more reason why I'm really liking this diet! lol

Wake up feeling?

I woke up feeling body tired and sore from yesterday's workout. My mind was ok and after about 5 minutes it was up and running 100%. This is definitely new. Before this diet, my mind would take 15-30 min before being fully awake.

Weight loss:

Today's weight: 161.8
Starting weight: 166.8
Total weigh loss: 5 lbs


  1. 1.6 lbs Papaya
I was supposed to eat 2.5 lbs of papaya for this meal. I'm slowly working myself up :) 


  1. 5 bananas


P90X Day 2 - P90X Day 1. Check out today's workout video review here P90X Day 2

Pre-workout snack:

  1. 1 orange
  2. 7 kiwi
I ate all 7 kiwi in 1 minute. I was starving! lol


No pic. Check out video.

  1. Juice: 12oz Pineapple, 16oz Fresh-squeezed orange juice
  2. Soup: 12oz Pineapple, 8oz Romaine Lettuce, 4oz grape tomatoes (blended)
  3. Salad: 4oz Pineapple, 8oz Romaine Lettuce, 8oz cucumbers, 1/2 avocado
I ate this meal at 11pm and was very tired and sleepy. I drank the juice and forced myself to finish my soup. I skipped the salad. 


Today I drank 2 liters of water. Starting tomorrow until the end of March I'm going to be drinking distilled water as recommended by the book "Fit for Life" by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. And starting April, I'll switch to spring water and see if I feel any difference.

Any Detox Effects?


Bowel Movements:

Today I had 2 movements. One less than yesterday.


My urine was more clear today. Probably because of the increase in water intake for today.

Overall feeling for today?

Overall today was good. I just need to get some more sleep. I hope now that I started P90X my hunger opens. I don't know why but it's becoming very irritating to eat when I"m not hungry. It's like my body is telling me "I'LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN I'M HUNGRY!" lol

Daily Summary:

Calories: 1,882
Fat (g): 9
Carb (g): 470
Protein (g): 29
Sodium (mg): 73
Fiber (g): 64
Sugar (g): 297

Calories: Carbs 90%/ Protein 6%/ Fat 4%

Today's Video

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