Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 7 (Video)


No enough. lol

Wake up feeling?

I woke up feeling VERY sore from yesterday's workout.

Weight loss:

Today's weight: 161.8
Starting weight: 166.8

Total weigh loss:  6 lbs


  1. 1.5 cups Blueberries
  2. 8oz Grapefruit
  3. 4oz Pineapple (not shown)
I'm not that hungry at this point so it took me about 2 hours to eat my breakfast. This is probably the first time I peel a grapefruit because I didn't know the skin on it was so rough and bitter. I ate the insides only, which were really sweet. The pineapple was so sweet and juicy I could swear my happiness went up at least 10%. lol


  1. 5 bananas
I found that I enjoy eating my daily bananas more if I eat two, wait 15-30 minutes, and then eat another 2. By the end of my waiting time, I'm kind of craving more, which I found more enjoyable than forcing myself to eat all four or five at once. 


Today's exercise was P90X Day 3. Check out my workout video review here: P90X - Day 3.


No picture. Watch video.

  1. 1 lb Tangerines
  2. Soup: 8oz Cucumbers, 8oz grapefruit, 4 oz tomatoes. 
  3. Yesterday's salad + extra 1/2 avocado. 
I ate the tangerines, passed on the soup, and enjoyed the salad. I guess my taste buds are not familiar with the taste of blended veggies because I didn't like the soup and probably wont be making this one anymore. My dinner took my about 45 minutes to finish. I just wasn't hungry. 


Today I started drinking distilled water as recommended in the book "Fit For Life" by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, and will continue drinking for the month of March. In April I'll switch to spring water and see if I feel any difference.

Any Detox Effects?

None. No headaches. No fever. No pain. Nada.

Bowel Movements:

Today I had 2 movements. Same as yesterday. For the past two days I've been eating less than normal which is probably why I don't have the 3-5 movements I expected.


Urine is dark yellow in the morning and clears up throughout the day as I drink more water.

Overall feeling for today?

Today was another good day. Felt great. I just need to get enough sleep to feel even better. Today also wraps up week one on this diet and so far everything is going great!

Daily Summary:

Calories: 1,485
Fat (g): 27
Carb (g): 330
Protein (g): 23
Sodium (mg): 55
Fiber (g): 53
Sugar (g): 205

Calories: Carbs 80%/ Protein 6%/ Fat 14%

Today's Video

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